Pastoral Care


“Silence is not always golden!”

Pastoral Care is much more than attending to someone as they are preparing to leave this life. Pastoral Care is a listening ear, offering prayers in time of need, in any difficult situation or before surgery. Pastoral Care is visiting a parishioner who cannot come to the church building for many reasons–  physical challenges, illness, or emotional sadness.

If you or someone you know is preparing for surgery, please let us know and we will add you to the prayer list. We will visit with you before and after surgery.

If you notice that someone has not been to church for a few weeks, you could call them to see if everything is well, or you could mention it to us and we will make the call. We would rather be told ten times than not at all.

With the Privacy and Confidentiality Act, the clergy and Pastoral Care Team need to be invited into someone’s home to visit. We value your assistance. If you know of someone who would benefit from a home visit or home Communion, please speak to Fr Stephen or Rev. MaryLynn or call the church office at 519-744-4751. We are pleased to visit.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine.”

Proverbs 17: 22