Working For Others


We serve by reaching out to others. We believe that one of the primary reasons for the existence of the Anglican Church is to serve. We encourage our people to live out their faith by becoming involved in causes that alleviate suffering and seek to restore dignity to human life. We also believe that becoming involved in activities through the gift of our time, talent and treasure helps us to a richer and fuller community of spirit and religious experience. The Role and Function of the Outreach Ministry Committee is to support the Parish Vision:

Inspired by Christ, we dedicate ourselves to grow together in faith through intentional acts of generosity and ministry to one another and our communities.

And that’s not all

Hundreds of hours of dedicated time and effort are provided by numerous parishioners in volunteer work in many organizations in our community.

Be a Part of Something Great!

To learn more about what we do or take part, contact the Outreach Ministry Committee by calling the Church Office.  There is always room for caring people.

Outreach Committee Members: Dianne McCandless, Heather Murphy, Mary Lynn Forrest,  Catherine Carlson, Deb Barclay, Fr Stephen, Ray Finnie, Roberta Finnie, Ann-Marie Shaw

Ongoing Projects

St John’s Kitchen

The gospels ask us to feed the hungry. St. George’s and other Anglican churches have been doing this for three decades. St. John’s Food Kitchen is located at 97 Victoria St where it serves up 300 daily meals to the Region’s poor and homeless. St. George’s volunteers each Christmas to serve up a meal at the Kitchen, Ice cream days during the hot summer months and donate gloves, winter hats and toiletries. For more information, contact

Other Organizations We Support

Foster Children

St George’s sponsors two foster children, through Christian Children’s Fund of Canada. These children live in Ghana and India. The proceeds of our pancake supper held in February of each year go towards the funding of this project.

Eye Glasses

We provide eyeglasses to an Optometrist for distribution in third world countries.

Food Bank

Hundreds of pounds of food are provided each year, as well as cash donations.

The Angel Tree

The Angel Tree is one of our greatest Outreach initiatives.  The families we sponsor through this program are brought to us through parishioners, through Westmount Public School and through KW Family & Children Services. If you know of someone who could benefit by the Angel Tree, please contact the Church office at 519-744-4751.

Primate’s World Relief Fund

Through the Anglican Church of Canada, St. George’s also supports the work of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund . For the past 50 years, the PWRDF has raised more than $8 million for emergency and development work in many countries around the world.

Pneumonia Prevention Vests

Several of our Parishioners and friends knit vests to be sent to South America where it can get cold.  These vests help prevent illness.

Cancer Turbans

A group of parishioners make turbans for cancer patients in our local hospitals.

38th Kitchener Scouts

St. George’s has sponsored the 38th Kitchener Scout Group since 1963. See our Scout page for more details.

Anselma House and Monica Place

We assist these shelters for women and children by donations of goods and services and support of the staff.

The Women’s Emergency Shelter / YWCA

Donations of goods are provided as needs arise.

Salvation Army

Our parish is generous in providing winter coats and outerwear to the “Share the Warmth” project.