35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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2 events,
Tim Horton’s Gift Cards for the Month of February
Donate a $5 Tim Horton's gift card to be given to those in need through St John's soup kitchen.
3 events,
Soup Luncheon
Soup Luncheon
You are invited to a Soup Luncheon on Sunday February 9 after the 10:00 service. There will be a variety of soups. Adults $10, children under 10 $5. Take out […]
2 events,
Prayer Quilt Cutting Day!
Prayer Quilt Cutting Day!
On Feb 13 at 1pm we will be gathering to cut and assemble packages of prayer quilt materials to be taken home and pieced by those who sew. If you […]
2 events,
Valentine’s Beach Party and Potluck
Valentine’s Beach Party and Potluck
The Social Committee Invites you to join us on Saturday, February 15th for a Valentine Beach Party and Potluck. Games will start at 2pm and dinner at 4pm. Come for […]