Stay up-to-date on all St. George’s of Forest Hill related news and upcoming events by viewing / downloading our Weekly Bulletins, as well as our quarterly Dragon Flyers. See drop downs under the News and Events Heading. Special announcements can also be found here.
Sunday Service is at 8:15 and 10:00 am
Office hours are Monday, Tuesday 1- 5:00pm, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:30 – 12:30.
Sunday services will be Livestreamed at 10:00 am on YouTube.
You can find the link on our Facebook page.
Men’s Breakfast February 15 at 9am
Ladies’ Lunch January 31 at 12:30 at Country Boy Restaurant.
Super Sunday February 9. Bring a can of soup to services and place it under the colours of your team. All soup will be donated to the Food Bank.
Valentine Potluck February 15 2-6pm. Come and play games in the afternoon and enjoy a potluck dinner.
Coldest Night February 22. Donate a $5 Tim’s Card to the homeless.
Book Club February 18 at 1:30 pm in the Fireside Room.
Vestry Sunday February 23 9:00am service followed by our Annual Vestry Meeting.