Audio files are posted in mp3 format. To listen to a file, please click on the link below. An audio page will appear. Click on the “Play” button  to hear the audio presentation. End out of the page to return to this page.

Canon Christopher Pratt July 7

Roberta Butler June 30

Canon Stephen Hendry June 23

Canon Stephen Hendry June 16

Canon Stephen Hendry June 9

Canon Stephen Hendry June 2

Coralee Little May 26

Canon Christopher May 19

Canon Stephen May 12

Canon Stephen April 28

Canon Stephen April 14

Canon Stephen April 7

Canon Stephen Easter Sunday

Canon Christopher Holy Saturday

Canon Stephen Good Friday

Canon Stephen Maundy Thursday

Canon Christopher March 24 Palm Sunday

Canon Stephen March 10

Canon Stephen March 3

Joyce Hendry February 25

Canon Stephen February 18

Canon Stephen February 11

Canon Stephen February 4

Canon Stephen January 28